LTD by Lizzie Tisch, is a fashion and art event curation consultancy founded by retail entrepreneur Lizzie Tisch. LTD brings exciting collaborations and unique products to design lovers. LTD infuses shopping with an excitement and sense of discovery by offering limited edition products and exclusive experiences. Ongoing LTD events will showcase the best in art, beauty, design, fashion and travel.


Lizzie Tisch started her career in the insurance and banking industries before focusing her efforts in the fashion arena. Tisch, a member of Vanity Fair’s International Best-Dressed List Hall of Fame and a Contributing Editor to Town & Country, was a co-founder of the beloved membership based shopping destination, Suite 1521. She is passionate about a number of causes, and works with and supports many nonprofit organizations including serving as a member of the Board of Citymeals on Wheels and as a member of the Board of Trustees for New York–Presbyterian Hospital and The Town School. Tisch is also actively involved with Hudson Yards’ multi-disciplinary arts center, The Shed.



At the moment, LTD provides shipping within the Continental United States of America & Canada.

Due of the unique nature of Limited Edition Collaboration Production, storage, and handling; Please feel free to email directly during purchasing process (or directly after) to connect, ensure timely fulfillment, and general customer-care:


We wish everyone, everywhere would discover fantastic LTD product. Please contact LTDxNYC via email and we will work with you to price the very best shipping options.


YES. You will receive an email confirmation from LTDxNYC with package tracking # as soon as your order has been fulfilled and is en-route.

We're sorry about that. Let's be sure you sent it to the correct email. Double-check your email outbox. Did you send a note to:


If you sent your note to the correct email, but haven't received correspondence, we’re probably swamped. But we WILL respond. Give us another shout out (or even try voice calling!) Thanks for being human with us - xoxo #LTD


Due to the highly customized and limited nature of LTD x Vendor collaborations and partnerships, we do NOT accept returns or offer refunds and/or exchanges on any merchandise. All pop-up and drop sales are final.

In addition, due to Covid-19 precautions, all personalized merchandise such as face-masks, undergarments, and food items are NOT eligible for return or exchange under any circumstance.



Nothing but your cookies. Your web browser's Internet cookies, that is. We follow all standard security protocols and promise your data will never be sold to a third party affiliate or evil data miner. Your trust matters to LTDxNYC dearly.

To complete and Process your oder, LTD x NYC will need to collect your name, billing + shipping address, and credit card information. We also want to record your phone number and email address for logistics, tracking, and customer care.

We promise never to call you with pesky solicitations, though, or share any of your private information with third parties and/or pirates.

Effective:  Nov 28, 2023

1.              Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

1.1           Company (herein referred to as the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our”) provides and makes available this web site (the “Web Site”).  All use of the Web Site is subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Terms of Use Agreement (the “Agreement”).  Please read this Agreement carefully.  By accessing, browsing or otherwise using the Web Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Agreement.  If you do not accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you shall not access, browse or use the Web Site.

1.2           You understand and agree that we may change this Agreement at any time without prior notice.  You may read a current, effective copy of this Agreement at any time by selecting the “Terms & Conditions” link on the Web Site.  The revised terms and conditions will become effective at the time of posting.  Any use of the Web Site after such date shall constitute your acceptance of such revised terms and conditions. If any change to this Agreement is not acceptable to you, your sole remedy is to cease accessing, browsing and otherwise using the Web Site.

1.3           Your access to and use of the Web Site is also subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy located at www.ltd.nyc

2.              Use of the Web Site.

2.1           This Web Site contains material, including but not limited to software, text, graphics and images (collectively referred to as the “Content”). We may own the Content or portions of the Content may be made available to us through arrangements that we have with our brand collaborators. The Content is protected by United States and foreign intellectual property laws.  Unauthorized use of the Content may result in violation of copyright, trademark, and other laws.  You have no rights in or to the Content, and you will not use, copy or display the Content except as permitted under this Agreement.  No other use is permitted without our prior written consent.  You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original Content on any copy you make of the Content. You may not sell, transfer, assign, license, sublicense, or modify the Content or reproduce, display, publicly perform, make a derivative version of, distribute, or otherwise use the Content in any way for any public or commercial purpose.  The use or posting of any of the Content on any other web site or in a networked computer environment for any purpose is expressly prohibited. If you violate any part of this Agreement, your right to access and/or use the Content and Web Site shall automatically terminate and you shall immediately destroy any copies you have made of the Content.

2.2           The trademarks, service marks, and logos of the Company (the “Company Trademarks”) used and displayed on this Web Site are registered and unregistered trademarks or service marks of the Company.  Other company, product, and service names located on the Web Site may be trademarks or service marks owned by third-parties (the “Third-Party Trademarks”, and, collectively with the Company Trademarks, the “Trademarks”).  Nothing on this Web Site or in this Agreement should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on this Web Site without the prior written consent of the Company specific for each such use.  The Trademarks may not be used to disparage the Company or the applicable third-party, the Company’s or third-party’s products or services, or in any manner (using commercially reasonable judgment) that may damage any goodwill in the Trademarks.  Use of any Trademarks as part of a link to or from any web site is prohibited without the Company’s prior written consent.  All goodwill generated from the use of any Company Trademark shall inure to the Company’s benefit.

2.3           You agree not to: (a) take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on the Web Site’s infrastructure, (b) use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Web Site or any activity being conducted on the Web Site, (c) attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or making up the Web Site, (4) delete or alter any material posted on the Web Site by the Company or any other person or entity, or (5) frame or link to any of the materials or information available on the Web Site.

2.4           The Web Site contains links to third-party web sites (“External Sites”). These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by us of the content on such External Sites.  The content of such External Sites is developed and provided by others.  You should contact the site administrator or Webmaster for those External Sites if you have any concerns regarding such links or any content located on such External Sites.

We are not responsible for the content of any linked External Sites and do not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of any materials on such External Sites. You should take precautions when downloading files from all web sites to protect your computer from viruses and other destructive programs.  If you decide to access any External Sites, you do so at your own risk.

2.5           Certain elements of the Web Site are protected by trade dress, trademark, unfair competition, and other state and federal laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part, by any means, including but not limited to, the use of framing or mirrors, except as otherwise expressly permitted by Section 2.1 of the Agreement. None of the Content for this Web Site may be retransmitted without the express written consent from the Company for each and every instance.

3.              Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranties.

3.1           The Company, its affiliates, their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, suppliers, or licensors (collectively, the “Company Parties“) make no warranties or representations about the content, including but not limited to its accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness or reliability.  The company parties shall not be subject to liability for the truth, accuracy or completeness of the content or any other information conveyed to the user or for errors, mistakes or omissions therein or for any delays or interruptions of the data or information stream from whatever cause.  You agree that you use the web site and the content at your own risk.

The Company Parties do not warrant that the web site will operate error‑free or that the web site, its server, or the content are free of computer viruses or similar contamination or destructive features. If your use of the web site or the content results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, no company party shall be responsible for those costs.

The web site and content are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any warranties of any kind. The company parties disclaim all warranties, including, but not limited to, the warranties of title, merchantability, non‑infringement of third parties rights, and fitness for particular purpose. 

3.2           In no event shall any company party be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption) resulting from the use or inability to use the web site and the content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), or any other legal theory, even if such company party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 

3.3           Some states do not allow the disclaimer or exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages.  Accordingly, in such states, some of the above limitations may not apply to you or be enforceable with respect to you, and the liability of the company parties shall be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

3.4           If you are from New Jersey, the foregoing sections 3.1 and 3.2 are intended to be only as broad as is permitted under the laws of the state of New Jersey.  If any portion of these sections is held to be invalid under the laws of the state of new jersey, the invalidity of such portion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the applicable sections.

4.              Indemnification.  You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company Parties from and against any claims, actions or demands, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising or resulting from your breach of this Agreement or your access to, use or misuse of the Content or Web Site.  The Company shall provide notice to you of any such claim, suit, or proceeding.  The Company reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter which is subject to indemnification under this section. In such case, you agree to cooperate with any reasonable requests assisting the Company’s defense of such matter.

5.              Termination of the Agreement.

5.1           The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to restrict, suspend, or terminate this Agreement and your access to all or any part of the Web Site or the Content at any time and for any reason without prior notice or liability. The Company reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any part of the Web Site or the Content at any time without prior notice or liability.

5.2           Sections 2 (Use of the Web Site), 3 (Limitation of Liability and Warranty), 4 (Indemnification), 5 (Termination of Agreement), and 8 (Miscellaneous) shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

6.              User Must Comply with Applicable Laws.

6.1           This Web Site is directed to users in the United States.  We make no claims concerning whether the Content may be downloaded, viewed, or be appropriate for use outside of the United States.  If you access the Web Site or the Content from outside of the United States, you do so at your own risk.  Whether inside or outside of the United States, you are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with the laws of your specific jurisdiction.

6.2           The United States controls the export of products and information. You expressly agree to comply with such restrictions and not to export or re-export any of the Content to countries or persons prohibited under the export control laws. By downloading the Content, you are expressly agreeing that you are not in a country where such export is prohibited or are a person or entity for which such export is prohibited. You are solely responsible for compliance with the laws of your specific jurisdiction regarding the import, export, or re-export of the Content.

7.              U.S. Government Restricted Rights.  The Content is provided with “RESTRICTED RIGHTS.”  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions contained in 48 CFR 52.227-19 and 48 CFR 252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor.  Use of the Web Site or Content by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of our proprietary rights in the Web Site and Content.

8.              Miscellaneous.  

This Agreement is governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of California, without respect to its conflict of laws provisions. You expressly agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in the City of San Francisco  in the State of California.   If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.   Failure of the Company to act on or enforce any provision of the Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of that provision or any other provision in this Agreement.  No waiver shall be effective against the Company unless made in writing, and no such waiver shall be construed as a waiver in any other or subsequent instance. Except as expressly agreed by the Company and you, this Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between you and the Company with respect to the subject matter, and supercedes all previous or contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter.  The section headings are provided merely for convenience and shall not be given any legal import.   This Agreement will inure to the benefit of our successors, assigns, licensees, and sublicensees.  Any information submitted or provided by you to the Web Site might be publicly accessible.  Important and private information should be protected by you.  The Company is not liable for protection of privacy of electronic mail or other information transferred through the Internet or any other network that you may use.

Effective Date: Nov 28, 2023

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how LTD x NYC (also, LIZZIE TISCH DROPS, also, LTD x LIZZIE TISCHus”, “we”, or “our”) collects, processes, shares, and safeguards personal data that is collected via our website LTD x NYC www.ltd.nyc and other pages we maintain online that reference this Policy. It also tells you how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

2. Personal Data We Collect

We collect personal data about you from the sources listed below:

·       Personal Data You Provide to Us. We may collect data such as your name, email address, phone number(s), and address(es) when you contact us via our Website, email, social media, or by other means. When you contact us, you also provide us with the content of your communications.  

·       Information We Receive From Third Parties. We receive personal data from the third parties listed below, which process your personal data in accordance with their own privacy policies. Please review these policies carefully before using their services.

o   Social media platforms: We maintain pages on social media platforms, such as Instagram. You or the platform providers may provide us with information through the social media platform, and we will treat such information in accordance with this Policy.

·       Information We Collect Through Automated Means.

o   Cookies and similar technologies: We collect personal data about you by automated means when you visit our Website via cookies and similar technologies (e.g., web beacons and pixel tags) placed on your device. The information collected may include a user ID assigned to you, your IP address, the content you have interacted with, the duration of your visit, and any error messages you encounter.

3. How We Use Your Personal Data

We will use your personal data for one or more of the purposes set out below. 

·       To provide you with support, and to respond to your questions, requests, and complaints. If you reach out to us for support or to ask us a question, we may use personal data to respond to and resolve your inquires. The personal data we process when doing so includes your correspondence with us and your contact details.

·       To comply with legal obligations and to defend our Company against legal claims or disputes. We may use personal data to defend ourselves and our employees, offices, directors, representatives and similar parties against legal claims or disputes. Some processing may also be necessary to comply with a legal obligation placed on LTD x NYC, for example to keep records, or as required by any judicial process or governmental agency.

·       To improve our Website and learn more about you. We may use personal data we collect from cookies and similar technologies to help us improve our Website and for analytics purposes. 

·       Research and development. As part of these activities, we may create aggregated, de-identified or other anonymous data from personal information we collect. We may use this anonymous data and share it with third parties for our lawful business purposes, including to analyze and improve our Website and promote our business.

·       For marketing and advertising. We, our service providers, and our third-party advertising partners may collect and use personal information for the following marketing and advertising purposes:

·       Direct marketing. We may send you direct marketing communications as permitted by law, including by email. You may opt-out of our marketing communications as described in the "Opt-out of marketing communications" section below.

4. How We Share Your Personal Data

We may disclose personal data about you with the following recipients and in the following circumstances:

Service Providers: We rely on vendors and service providers for the provision of our services offered through our Website and for the purposes set out above, such as providers of analytics, hosting and cloud computing services, and other IT services and customer support services, in addition to other administrative services. These third parties may have access to or process your personal data as part of providing these services.

Advisors: We work with various advisors, including tax consultants and legal advisors, with whom we may share your personal data.

Legal: We may disclose your personal data to law enforcement agencies, regulatory bodies, public authorities or pursuant to the exercise of legal proceedings if we are legally required to do so, or if we believe, in good faith, that such disclosure is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or request, to enforce our terms and conditions, to prevent or resolve security or technical issues, or to protect the rights, property or safety of LTD x NYC, you, a third party, or the public.

Business Transaction: If LTD x NYC is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of company assets, or transition of service to another provider, your personal data may be sold, transferred, or otherwise shared including as part of any due diligence process. 

5. Automatic Data Collection

We and our service providers may automatically log information about you, your computer or mobile device, and your interaction over time with our Website, our communications and other online services, such as:

·       Device data, such as your computer’s or mobile device’s operating system type and version, manufacturer and model, browser type, screen resolution, RAM and disk size, CPU usage, device type (e.g., phone, tablet), IP address, language settings, mobile device carrier, radio/network information (e.g., WiFi, LTE, 3G), and general location information such as city, state, or geographic area.

·       Online activity data, such as pages or screens you viewed, how long you spent on a page or screen, the website you visited before browsing to the website, navigation paths between pages or screens, information about your activity on a page or screen, access times, and duration of access, and whether you have opened our marketing emails or clicked links within them. We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google to help collect and analyze online activity data. For more information on how Google uses this information, click here

We use the following tools for automatic data collection:

·       Cookies, which are text files that websites store on a visitor‘s device to uniquely identify the visitor’s browser or to store information or settings in the browser for the purpose of helping you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, enabling functionality, and helping us understand user activity and patterns. 

·       Local storage technologies, like HTML5, that provide cookie-equivalent functionality but can store larger amounts of data, including on your device outside of your browser in connection with specific applications.

·       Web beacons, also known as pixel tags or clear GIFs, which are used to demonstrate that a webpage or email was accessed or opened, or that certain content was viewed or clicked.

6. Your Choices

·       Opt-out of marketing communications. You may opt out of marketing-related communications by following the opt-out or unsubscribe instructions contained in the marketing communications we send you.

·       Do Not Track. Some Internet browsers may be configured to send “Do Not Track” signals to the online services that you visit. We currently do not respond to "Do Not Track" or similar signals. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” please visit http://www.allaboutdnt.com

7. International Data Transfers

If we transfer your personal data internationally, the destination countries may not provide the same protections as the data protection laws where you are based. For more information about how we transfer personal data internationally, please contact us as set out in the “Contact Us” section below.

8. Children’s Privacy

Our Website is not directed at children, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us as set out in the “Contact Us” section below. 

9. Security of personal data

We use reasonable organizational, technical and administrative measures designed to protect against unauthorized access, misuse, loss, disclosure, alteration, and destruction of personal data we process. Unfortunately, data transmission over the Internet cannot be guaranteed as completely secure. Therefore, while we strive to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee its security. 

10. Links to Other Sites

Our Website may contain links to other sites that are not operated by us. If you click a third-party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise you to review the privacy policy of every site you visit. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

11. Changes and Updates to This Policy

We will update this Policy from time to time. Please review this Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

12. Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this Policy, our privacy practices, please contact us by email at rsvp@ltdxlizzietisch.com

Contact us


- xoxo #LTD


- xoxo #LTD